192. Ryotaro Inoue, Mari Kanemoto, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno, Developing well-being/ill-being factors scales at work, 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 2024, Innsbruck, Austria
191. Hiroki Uratani, Madoka Maeno, Kiyonobu Kusu, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno, Development and ongoing use of Well-Being Dialogue Cards to test their effectiveness in improving well-being, 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 2024, Innsbruck, Austria
190. Shiko Kurihara, Jun Narusaka, Akihiko Okamoto, Takashi Maeno, Strength and Meaning of Disabled Persons Pulled Out by “Unhandyman Shop”, 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 2024, Innsbruck, Austria
189. Shiko Kurihara, Koji Arai, Takashi Maeno, The impact of the Nursing Pub ’Go to Heaven’ on IKIGAI (reason for living), 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 2024, Innsbruck, Austria
188. Madoka Maeno, Mayumi Hamada, Takashi Maeno, How to Use Well-Being Dialogue Card, 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 2024, Innsbruck, Austria
187. Mayu Akaki, Takashi Maeno, The Systematic Feedback Method for Ideation Generation in Design Thinking Workshops, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), July 2023, Bordeaux, France, pp. 24-28
186. Mayu Akaki, Takashi Maeno, How Feedback and Conflict Impact Creative Behaviors in Teams with Acceptance of Ideas, Continuous Innovation Network Conference 2022, September 2022, Pisa, Italy
185. M. Akaki, M. Ioki, K. Mitomi, T. Maeno. Best Practices of Team-Building Activities in a Project-Based Learning Class ‘Design Project’ in a Japanese Graduate School. Proceedings of the Design Society, Feb 2022, pp. 2263-2272
184. Chiho Kitashima, Masamichi Asukai, Takahiko Sueyoshi, Takashi Isozaki, Takashi Maeno, Structuralizing and Analysis of Japanese Well-Being and Psychological Factors, The 32nd International Congress of Psychology(ICP2020+), July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic
183. Mayu Akaki, Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Makoto Ioki, Takashi Maeno. A Method to Enhance Self-Acceptance Leading to Team Creativity: The Advice Sheet to Promote Teams to Utilize Strengths of Creative Thinking. Continuous Innovation Network Conference 2020, 2020
182. Toshiyuki Yasui, Takahiko Sueyoshi, Takashi Isozaki, Masamichi Asukai, Mami Yamakawa, Hiroyuki Egami, Yoko Honjo, Takashi Maeno, Only hyperbolic discounting and gifted experimental consumption work for happiness on spending: inferring directly correlating factors to happiness on money by causal discovery algorithm, 6th World Congress on Positive Phychology (WCPP2019), July 2019, Melbourne, Australia
181. Karin Iwata, Hinako Ando, Yuki Kawabe, Takashi Maeno, Takashi Iba, Patterns for well-being in Life: Supporting Life design based on 4 factors of happiness, 25th Pattern Languages of Programs conference 2018 (PLoP2018), October 2018, Oregon, USA
180. Kazuhiro Nakamura, Toshiyuki Yasui, Miyuki Tajima, Misa Asakura, Hiroyuki Fujiwara and Takashi Maeno, Mechanism of realize organizational creativity based on individual people’s intrinsic motivation, The International Conference on Creativity and Innovation 2018, September 2018, Ohsaka, Japan
179. Harumi Edo and Takashi Maeno, Nega-Posi Reversal – A Method using a Physical Approach to Invert Negative Emotions Positively, The International Conference on Creativity and Innovation 2018, September 2018, Ohsaka, Japan
178. Takashi Maeno, Mutsumi Okuyama, Kyosuke Sakakura and Toshiyuki Yasui, The empirical study on the emergence and diffusion process of design-driven innovation initiated by knowledge creation: from the field study in the industrial cluster of the Sumida Ward, Tokyo, Uddevalla Symposium 2018, June 2018, Lulea, Sweden
177. Shiko Kurihara, Miki Akiyama, Mutsuki Sashida, Masashi Yokota and Takashi Maeno, “Improvement of Well-being by Care Hula Dance, Through Practice at Nursing Home in JAPAN”, 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP2018), June 2018, Budapest, Hungary
176. Miki Akiyama, Daichi Sugawara, Kohki Arimitsu, Chiharu Tsutsui,Kaiya Takano, Mayo Hiroshima, Atsuo Iwasawa, Yuriko Matsumura, Takashi Maeno, A Pilot study of Loving-kindness Meditation for Japanese Nursing Students, 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP2018), June 2018, Budapest, Hungary
175. Toshiyuki Yasui, Takahiro Sueyoshi, Nasa Asukai, Hiroshi Iwanami, Mami Yamakawa, Yoshiki Hataya, Yuri Sakata, Hiroyuki Egami, Yoko Honjo, Takeshi Shibuya and Takashi Maeno, “Designing Learning Workshop to Increase Subjective Well-Being Based Upon Two Contrastive Action Principles with Money: Profit-Maximization, Appreciation-Maximization and Their Balance”, 9th European Conference on positive Psychology (ECPP2018), June 2018, Budapest, Hungary
174. Ryosuke, I. Shogo, S. Hiroaki, K. and Takashi, M., A Self-help Intervention to Reduce the Risk of Depression in Healthy People, ACBS World Conference 16, July 2018, Québec, Canada
173. Takashi Maeno, Masaya Kobayashi, Jun Fudano, Miki Akiyama and Etsuyo Nishigaki, Interdisciplinary Research on Positive Psychology and Well-Being Study in Japan, Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 2017, Montreal, Canada
172. Madoka Maeno, Takashi Maeno, Kouji Miki and Shigeru Utsunomiya, ZEN SCHOOL –Learning How to Innovate by Self-Reflection Achieved through Mindfulness, Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 2017, Montreal, Canada
171. Toshiyuki Yasui, Takahiko Sueyoshi, Masamichi Asukai, Hiroshi Iwanami, Mami Yamakawa, Yoshiki Hataya, Y. Sakata, Takeshi Shibuya, Hiroyuki Egami, Yoko Honjo, Takashi Maeno, Comparative Study on Changes of Subjective Well-beings in Two contrastive money-games; Emotions and Impacts by Profit-oriented or Appreciation-oriented motives, Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 2017, Montreal, Canada
170. Takashi Maeno, Mutsumi Okuyama, Kyosuke Sakakura, Toshiyuki Yasui, Building an Open Innovation Model over a Horizontal Network by Applying the Open Innovation Theory on SMEs in Japan -From a case Study on Shitamachi Bobsleigh Network Project in Ota City, Tokyo-, the 20th Uddevalla Symposium 2017, June 2017, Trollhattan, Sweden
169. Miki Akiyama, Takashi Maeno, Chiharu Tsutsui, Daichi Sugawara, Koji Kuze, Mayo Hiroshima, Miyuki Tajima, Hiroko kondo, Yutaka Ono, An Intervention Study Using SPARK Resilience Programme on Japanese Nursing Students, European Positive Psychology Conference, June 2016, Angers, France
168. Toshiyuki Yasui, Madoka Maeno, Naoko Hirota, Takashi Maeno, Systematic Expansion of Solution Space for Social Innovation: Structured Multiplication Approach to Solve Social Issues, The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering (APCOSEC2015), Octover 2015, Seoul, Korea
167. Madoka Maeno, Takashi Maeno, Design of Workshop to Make People Happier based on Four Factors of Happiness, Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 2015, Florida, USA
166. Takashi Maeno, Madoka Maeno, Investigation for Japanese Adults on Four Factors of Happiness in Relation to Mind Management, Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 2015, Florida, USA
165. Toshiyuki Yasui, Seiko Shirasaka, Takashi Maeno, Systems Analysis of SDM Graduate Schools: Ex post and Phylogenic Approach to Map the System, Design and Management Education, The 8th Asia-Pacific Council on Systems Engineering Conference (APCOSEC 2014), October 2014, Qingdao, China
164. Miki Nishio, Takashi Maeno, A Questionnaire Assessment of the Contributing Factors to Empathy, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
163. Kazuto Imazeki, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno, Design method of target customer’s WANTs of a service based on classification of services using WANTs, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
162. Kazuto Imazeki, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno, An Evaluation Method of a Service Business model using Wants Chain Analysis, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
161. Shiko Kurihara, Takashi Maeno, System Design of Happy Town Using Four Factors of Happiness, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
160. Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno, Seiko Shirasaka, Yoshikazu Tomita, Kanenori Ishibashi, Workshop-based Policy Platform for Public-Private Partnership (WP5): Designing Co-Creative Policy-Making Platform for Regional Development of Nagano, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
159. Ariyoshi Kosaka, Ryuichi Teshima, Takashi Maeno, Motivation Improvement Service through Co-creation of Company Trip, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
158. Iwane Maida, Hisashi Sato, Tetsuya Toma, Takashi Maeno, Designing the Amount of Image Delay in Tele-surgery, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, September 2014, Yokohama, Japan
157. Hashim Mohamad, Husna Iza, Takashi Maeno, Kenjiro Takemura, Sumi Nakamura, Narumi Saegusa, Tactile Sensor for Robotic System using Cosmetic Powder Brush, World Automation Congress 2014, August 2014, Hawaii, USA
156. Yoshikazu Tomita, Kyoko Watanabe, Takashi Maeno, Communication interface design methodology to integrate different organizations to work under emergencies. An example of Ishinomaki city after 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake, Business Systems Laboratory Second International Symposium, January 2014, Roma, Italy
155. Miki Nishio, Yasutoshi Makino, Seiko Shirasaka, Takashi Maeno, System structure of “being emotionally moved” by analyzing emotive causes, Business Systems Laboratory Second International Symposium, January 2014, Roma, Italy
154. Toshiro Kiura, Ockie Bosch, Nam Nguyen, Seiko Shirasaka, Takashi Maeno, Appling a systems-based Evolutionary Learning Laboratory for creation of a new business, Business Systems Laboratory Second International Symposium, January 2014, Roma, Italy
153. Takashi Maeno, Masao Saeki and Yui Shinoda, Factor Analysis of Well-Being and its Application to Community Design, MnM Symposium, November 2013, Yokohama, Japan
152. Fujita, F., Sugiyama, N., Kanke, M., Yasui, T., Shirasaka, S., Maeno, T. , Concept Design of Cause Related Marketing Using Wants Chain Analysis and Co-Creation Workshop, the 1st International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ 2013), October 2013, Tokyo, Japan
151. Yasui, T., Shirasaka, S., Maeno, T. , Designing Public Policy by Structural Shift Ideation through the Case of Revitalizing Decaying Local Shopping Malls, The 7th Asia-Pacific Council on Systems Engineering Conference (APCOSE 2013), September 2013, Yokohama, Japan
150. Nozomi Sugiyama, Tomoyuki Fujita, Motoshi Kanke, Toshiyuki Yasui, Seiko Shirasaka and Takashi Maeno, The Concept Design of Cause Related Marketing Utilizing Wants Chain Analysis: Proposing the Method and Validation through Value Co-Creation Workshops, International Society for the Systems Sciences 2013 (ISSS2013), July 2013, Hai Phong City, Vietnam
149. Toshiro Kiura, Ockie J. H. Bosch, Nam C. Nguyen, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno, Using a systems-based Evolutionary Learning Laboratory to address the “Not in Employment, Education, or Training” issue in Japan, International Society for the Systems Sciences 2013 (ISSS2013), July 2013, Hai Phong City, Vietnam
148. Shimon Akiyama, Katsunari Sato, Yasutoshi Makino and Takashi Maeno,EffwctON -Enhancing Impressions of Motions and Physically Changing Motions via Synchronous Sound Effect, The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and The 13th International Symposium on Advances Intelligence Systems, November 2012
147. Akihiro Sakaedani, Toshiyuki Yasui, Seiko Shirasaka and Takashi Maeno, A New Approach to Component Reuse in Multi-software Development Project Management by Using an Information-centric Project Model, 14th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, September 2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 301-313
146. Takashi Maeno, Toshiyuki Yasui, Seiko Shirasaka and Ockie Bosch, Social System Design using Models of Social and Human Mind Network-CVCA, WCA and Bayesian Network Modeling, International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, July 2012, San Francisco, USA
145. Toshiyuki Yasui, Motoshi Kanke, Seiko Shirasaka and Takashi Maeno, Fostering Fukushima’s Future: Grass-Rooted Policy Design in Post-Disaster Japan by Participatory Systems Analysis, Third International Engineering Systems Symposium, June 2012, Delft, Netherland
144. Yasutoshi Makino, Akiko Kamigori and Takashi Maeno, Wireless Wearable Vibration Sensor for Touch-based Life Log System, INSS2012, June 2012, Antwerp, Belgium
143. Yoshinobu Soda, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno and Seiko Shirasaka, ‘Policy Design Workshop: Collaborative Design Methodology Architecting for the Future Public Policies’, Proc. 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering (APCOSE2012), May 2012, Brisbane, Australia
142. Shimon Akiyama, Katsunari Sato, Yasutoshi Makino and Takashi Maeno, Presentation of Thermal Sensation through Preliminary Adjustment of Adapting Skin Temperature, World Haptics, March 4-7, 2012, Vancouver, Canada
141. Masao Saeki, Takashi Maeno and Shigehiro Oishi, The Optimism and Kindness Intervention Increased Subjective and Psychological Well-being: A3-week Intervention Study in Japan, Poster presented at the 13th Annual meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, January 2012, San Diego, USA
140. Katsunari Sato, Yuta Shiokawa, Yasutoshi Makino and Takashi Maeno, Analysis of Valuable Applications for Tactile Display, 2011 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, 2011, Shanghai, China
139. Yuko Akikawa, Yuka Koda, Naoki Saiwaki, Natsuki Komoda, Katsuaki Suganuma, Yasutoshi Makino and Takashi Maeno, Development of finger-shaped tactile sensor, 2011 International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Science, OP18, October 2011, Toyama, Japan
138. Y. Nonomura, T. Miyashita, H. Shirado, Y. Makino and T. Maeno, Tactile Texture of Water on Glass, International Conference of Biotribology (ICoBT2011), September 2011, London, England
137. K. Nakatsuma, H. Shinoda, Y. Makino, K. Sato, and T. Maeno, Touch Interface on Back of the Hand, SIGGRAPH 2011, Emerging Technology, 2011, Vancouver, Canada
136. Hiroyuki Yagita, Akira Tose, Madoka Nakajima, Sun K. Kim and Takashi Maeno, A Validation Regarding Effectiveness of Scenario Graph, Proc. ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 2011, Washington, USA
135. Takashi Maeno, Yurie Makino, Seiko Shirasaka, Yasutoshi Makino and Sun K. Kim, Wants Chain Analysis: Human-Centered Method for Analyzing and Designing Social Systems, Proc. International Conference on Engineering Design, August 2011, Copenhagen, Demark, pp. 302-310
134. Koichi Takahashi and Takashi Maeno, The Causal SWOT Analysis using Systems Thinking ?A Tool for Situational Analysis Workshop, Proc. 55th Annual Conference of the International Society of System Sciences, 2011, CD-ROM, Hull, UK
133. Yasutoshi Makino, Takashi Maeno and Hiroyuki Shinoda, Perceptual Characteristic of Multi-Spectral Vibrations beyond the Human Perceivable Frequency Range, World Haptics Conference 2011, June 22-24, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
132. Takashi Maeno, Isn’t It Easy for Robots to Have Consciousness if Self-Consciousness Is Illusion?, G-COE International Symposium on Introspection in Humans, Animals and Machines, May 2011, Tokyo
131. Masao Saeki and Takashi Maeno, A Simple Method for Assessing Subjective Well-being, BPS Social Psychology Section Annual Conference 2010, September 2010, UK
130. Yasutoshi Makino, Masao Saeki, Takashi Maeno, Tactile Feedback for Handheld Touch Panel Device with Dual Vibratory Stimulus, Proc. Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, DE-6-5, 2010, Korea
129. Naohiko Kohtake, Takashi Maeno, Hidekazu Nishimura Seiko Shirasaka and Yoshiaki Ohkami, Educational Curriculum for Multi-Disciplinary System Design and Management, Proc. 54th Annual Conference of the International Society of System Sciences, 2010, CD-ROM, Canada
128. Sun K. Kim, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takashi Maeno, Tetsuya Toma and Yoshiaki Ohkami, Preliminary Validation of Scenario-based Design for Amorphous Systems, 20th INCOSE International Symposium, July 2010, Chicago, USA
127. Naohiko Kohtake, Takashi Maeno, Hidekazu Nishimura and Yoshiaki Ohkami, Graduate Program in Multi-Disciplinary System Design and Management, 20th INCOSE International Symposium, July 2010, Chicago, USA
126. Y. Makino, A. Murao and T. Maeno, Life Log System Based on Tactile Sound, Proc. EuroHaptice 2010, 2010, pp. 292-297
125. Takashi Maeno, Education of Symbiotic System Design in Global CoE Program and Graduate School of System Design and Management, International Symposium of Sustainable Energy, July 2010, Yokohama
124. Takashi Maeno, Tactile Sensor Detecting Softness, Roughness and Friction Inspired by Human’s Perception, Workshop of the Robotics Research Towards Better Quality of Life, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010, Anchorage, USA
123. Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takahiro Yamauchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Yusuke Hidaka and Takashi Maeno, Real-Time Remote Transmission of Multiple Tactile Properties through Master-Slave Robot System, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010
122. Akira Saito and Takashi Maeno, Dynamic Characteristics of Ultrasonic Motors ?Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Traveling Wave-Type Ultrasonic Motors, 3rd International Symposium on Next Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs, 2010, pp. 267-277
121. Yusuke Hidaka, Yuta Shiokawa, Kaoru Tashiro, Takashi Maeno, Masashi Konyo and Takahiro Yamauchi, Development of an Elastic Tactile Sensor Emulating Human Fingers for Tele-Presentation Systems, Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2009 Conference, pp. 1919-1922
120. Sun K. Kim, Whitfield Fowler, Kosuke Ishii and Takashi Maeno, Tools for Project-based Active Learning of Amorphous Systems Design: Scenario Prototyping and Cross Team Peer Evaluation, Proc. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2009
119. Kosuke Ishii, Olivier de Weck, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takashi Maeno, Sun K. Kim, and Whitfield Fowler, Active Learning Project Sequence: Capstone Experience for Multi-disciplinary System Design and Management Education, Proc. International Conference on Engineering Design, 2009, pp. 57-68
118. Kosuke Kawazu, Masakazu Murao, Takeru Ohta, Masayoshi Mase and Takashi Maeno, A System to Construct an Interest Model of User Based on Information in Browsed Web Page by User, Proc. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5612, 2009, pp. 304-312
117. Kaoru Tashiro, Yuta Shiokawa, Tomotake Aono, and Takashi Maeno, A Virtual Button with Tactile Feedback using Ultrasonic Vibration, Proc. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5622, 2009, pp. 385-393
116. Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno and Satoshi Tadokoro, Transmission of Tactile Roughness through Master-slave Systems, Proc. the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’09), 2009, pp. 1467-1472
115. Takashi Maeno and Yusuke Hidaka, Human Finger Size Tactile Sensor for Texture/Softness Ditection, Proc. Third International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2009
114. Kaoru Tashiro, Yuta Shiokawa, Tomotake Aono and Takashi Maeno, Realization of Button Click Feeling by Use of Ultrasonic Vibration and Force Feedback, The third Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator System, 2009, pp.1-6
113. Takashi Maeno, Emotional Robots and Humans: What is Emotion of Robots and Humands for?, International Global COE Symposium on Emotoinal Animals, Sensible Humans, 2008
112. Takashi Maeno, Dynamic Characteristics Analysis and Control of Power Ultrasonic Motors, International Symposium on Next-Generation Actuator Leading Breakthroughs, 2008
111. Yuta Shiokawa, Atsushi Tazo, Masashi Konyo and Takashi Maeno, Hybrid Display of Roughness, Softness and Friction Senses of Haptics, Proc. 18th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 2008, pp.72-79
110. Takashi Maeno, Haptics of Humans and Robots, Invited Speech, 18th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 2008.
109. Yasuhisa Kamikawa and Takashi Maeno, Underactuated Five-Finger Prosthetic Hand Inspired by Grasping Force Distribution of Humans, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008, pp. 717-722
108. Yuta Shiokawa, Atsushi Tazo, Masashi Konyo and Takashi Maeno, Hybrid Display of Realistic Tactile Sense using Ultrasonic Vibrator and Force Display, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008, pp. 3008-3013
107. Masashi Konyo, Yohei Motoki, Hiroshi Yamada, Satoshi Tadokoro and Takashi Maeno, Producing Distributed Vibration by a Single Piezoelectric Ceramics for a Small Tactile Stimulator, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008, pp. 3698-3704
106. Yuta Shiokawa, Atsushi Tazo, Masashi Konyo and Takashi Maeno, Hybrid Display of Realistic Tactile Sense using Ultrasonic Vibrator and Force Display, APCOSE, 2008
105. Takashi Maeno, Education and Research of Complex System Design in Keio University, Science for Policy, Policy for Science Forum, World Knowledge Dialogue, 2008
104. Takashi Maeno, Isn’t it easy for robot to have consciousness if self-consciousness is illusion?, The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2008
103. Takashi Maeno, Dynamic Characteristics Analysis and Control of Power Ultrasonic Motors, International Symposium on Next-Generation Actuator Leading Breakthroughs, 2007
102. Akira Saito and Takashi Maeno, Nonlinear Transient Response Analysis of Traveling-Wave-Type Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. IEEE 7th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, 2008
101. Takashi Maeno, Non-Linear Analysis and Control of Power Ultrasonic Motors, International Symposium on Next-Generation Actuator Leading Breakthroughs, 2007
100. Hisayuki Narahara and Takashi Maeno, First International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination, 2007
99. Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Takashi Maeno, First International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination, 2007
98. Takashi Maeno, Recent Progress of Ultrasonic Motors in Japan, The 4th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators, 2007, p. 85
97. Atsushi Tazo and Takashi Maeno, Tactile Displaying Method using Ultrasonic Vibrator for Controlling Sense of Roughness and Softness, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2007, pp. ULT-17-016
96. Makoto Toeda and Takashi Maeno, Design of a ring-type ultrasonic motor by use of mixed vibration modes for implovement of efficienct and life time by reduction of slippage, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2007, pp. ULT-09-016
95. Hideaki Kanasugi and Takashi Maeno, Design of a Multi-DOF Linear Ultrasonic Motor by use of a First Longitudinal Mode and Two First Bending Modes, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2007, pp. ULT-09-015
94. Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno and Satoshi Tadokoro, Roughness Feeling Telepresence System with Communication Time-Delay, The Second Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interface for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2007, pp. 595-596 (Best Poster Award 受賞)
93. Yuhua Zhang, Yuka Mukaibo and Takashi Maeno, A Multi-Purpose Tactile Sensor Inspired by Human Finger for Texture and Tissue Stiffness Detection, Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2006, pp. 159-164
92. Takashi Maeno, Active Sensing of Texture of Objects by use of Distributed Tactile Sensor inside an Elastic Finger, Proc. Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2006, No. 58
91. M. Homma and T. Maeno, Analysis of Static and Dynamic Characteristics of a Tactile Sensor using Carbon Micro Coil inside an Elastic Material, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006, pp. 1933-1938
90. Yuta Koda and Takashi Maeno, Grasping Force Control in Master-Slave System with Partial Slip Sensor, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006, pp. 4641-4646
89. Takashi Maeno, Kayo Otokawa and Masashi Konyo, Tactile Display of Surface Texture by use of Amplitude Modulation of Ultrasonic Vibration, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2006, pp. 62-65
88. Mark Lelieveld, Takashi Maeno and Tetsuo Tomiyama, Design and Development of Two Concepts for a 4 DOF Portable Haptic Interface with Active and Passive Multi-Point Force Feedback for the Index Finger, Proc. IDETC/CIE (2006 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information In Engineering Conference), September 2006
87. Takashi Maeno and Toshiyuki Hino, Miniature Five-Fingered Robot Hand Driven by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators, The 12th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, 2006, pp. 174-179
86. Yasuhisa Kamikawa, Hirokazu Shirado and Takashi Maeno, Analysis on Texture Perception of Geometry of Artificial Skin and Lubricant, 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2006
85. Nitsunori Tada, Noritake Nagai, Hiroaki Yoshida and Takashi Maeno, Iterative FE Analysis for Non-Invasive Material Modeling of a Fingertip with Layered Structure, Proc. EuroHaptics, 2006, pp. 187-194
84. M. Toeda and T. Maeno, Design of a Slip-Free Linear Ultrasonic Motor for Efficiency Improvement, Proc. 10th International Conference on New Actuators, 2006, pp. 611-614
83. H. Kanasugi and T. Maeno, Development of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor with Multiple Rotors, Proc. 10th International Conference on New Actuators, 2006, pp. 588-591
82. A. Tazo and T. Maeno, Design Method of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor using Genetic Algorithm, Proc. 10th International Conference on New Actuators, 2006, pp. 563-566
81. Nakamoto Masataka, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno and Satoshi Tadokoro, Reflective Grasp Force Control of Humans Induced by Distributed Vibration Stimuli on Finger Skin with ICPF Actuators, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 3899-3904
80. M. J. Lelieveld, T. Maeno, T. Tomiyama and K. van der Werff, Design and Development of a 4 DOF Portable Haptic Interface with Multi-Point Passive Force Feedback for the Index Finger, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 3134-3139
79. Takashi Maeno, Novel Ultrasonic Motors and Their Applications, 1st International Symposium on Next-Generation Actuator Leading Breakthroughs, 2006, pp. 123-126
78. Hirokazu Shirado, Yoshimune Nonomura and Takashi Maeno, Realization of Human Skin-Like Texture by Emulating Surface Shape Pattern and Elastic Structure, Symposium on Haptic Interface for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2006, pp. 295-296
77. Takashi Maeno, Recent Progress of Ultrasonic Motors, The First International Workshop on Ultrasonic Motors and Actuators, 2005, pp. 15-18
76. Kayo Otokawa, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, A Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor using Plural Single-Phase-Drive-Type Vibrators, The First International Workshop on Ultrasonic Motors and Actuators, 2005, pp. 37-38 (Most Impressive Paper Award of the 1st IWOUMA受賞)
75. M. Tada, N. Nagai and T. Maeno, Material properties estimation of layered soft tissue based on MR observation and iterative FE simulation, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2005, PT 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, pp. 633-640
74. K. Otokawa, K. Takemura and T. Maeno, Development of an Arrayed Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor, Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications, 2005, pp. 258-261
73. K. Koguchi and T. Maeno, A Layered Control Method using Suppression for Bipedal Robot, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
72. N. Nagai, M. Tada and T. Maeno, Material Constants Identification Method of Multilayered Soft Tissue Using MR Images, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
71. M. Nakamoto, T. Maeno, M. Konyo and S. Tadokoro, Unconscious Control of Grasping Force by Displaying Partial Slip with Distributed Vibration Stimulus, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
70. Y. Mukaibo, H. Shirado, M. Konyo and T. Maeno, A Texture Sensor Imitating the Mechanisms of Human Fingers for detecting Tactile Information (1st report: Analysis of the Finger Mechanism and Design), The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
69. Y. Mukaibo, H. Shirado, M. Konyo and T. Maeno, A Texture Sensor Imitating the Mechanisms of Human Fingers for detecting Tactile Information (2nd report: Evaluation of Detecting Roughness and Adhesion Information), The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
68. H. Morita, M. Homma, M. Konyo, T. Maeno, K. Kawabe and S. Motojima, Analysis on Mechano-Electric Transfer Characteristics of Carbon Micro Coil Tactile Sensor, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
67. M. Homma, H. Morita, M. Konyo, T. Maeno, K. Kawabe and S. Motojima, Electric circuit mechanism in Carbon Micro Coil tactile sensor, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
66. Masashi Konyo, Kayo Otokawa and Takashi Maeno, Design of a Wearable Tactile Display Using an Ultrasonic Vibrator, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
65. K. Otokawa and T. Maeno, A Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor using Plural Single-Phase-Drive-Type Vibrators, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005(日本機械学会フェロー賞受賞)
64. Y. Ueda and T. Maeno, Analysis on Sensation Accuracy of the Finger to Displacement and Force for the Development of a Small Haptic Device, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
63. Y. Koda and T.Maeno, Development of a Multi-Point Force Feedback Haptic Interface for human hand, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
62. M. J. Lelieveld and T. Maeno, Design and Development of a 20DOF Wearable Master Hand with Perpendicular Force Feedback on Finger Phalanges, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
61. M. Ebisui and T. Maeno, Designing Method for Exoskeleton-Type Haptic Device based on Evolutionary Computation, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
60. T. Hino and T. Maeno, Development of a Miniature Robot Finger Using Shape Memory Alloy, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
59. K. Endo, H. Kitano and T. Maeno, Evolutionary Design of Biped Walking Robot based on Co-Evolution of Morphology and Walking Pattern, The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, 2005
58. Ikuo Yamano and Takashi Maeno, Five-fingered Robot Hand using Ultrasonic Motors and Elastic Elements, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005, pp. 2684-2689
57. Yuka Mukaibo, Hirokazu Shirado, Masashi Konyo and Takashi Maeno, Development of a Texture Sensor Emulating the Tissue Structure and Perceptual Mechanism of Human Fingers, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005, pp. 2576-2581
56. Hirokazu Shirado and Takashi Maeno, Modeling of Human Texture Perception for Tactile Displays and Sensors, The First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interface for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2005, p. 57 (Best Poster Award 受賞)
55. Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Akinori Yoshida and Satoshi Tadokoro, Roughness Sense Display Representing Temporal Frequency Changes of Tactile Information in Response to Hand Movements, The First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interface for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems,2005, p. 197
54. Yusuke Ueda and Takashi Maeno, Development of a Mouse-Shaped Haptic Device with Multiple Finger Inputs, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2004, pp. 2886-2891
53. Yosuke Nakagawa, Akira Saito and Takashi Maeno, Transient Analysis of Bar-Type Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2004, pp. 1263-1268
52. Kayo Otokawa and Takashi Maeno, Development of an Arrayed-type Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor Based on a Selection of Reciprocating Vibration Modes, Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Joint Conference, 2004
51. Yoichi Ogahara and Takashi Maeno, Torque Control of a Traveling Wave Type Ultrasonic Motor Impressed High Load Torque in Low Speed Range, Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Joint Conference, 2004
50. Yuka Mukaibo, Shinsuk Park and Takashi Maeno, Equilibrium Point Control of A Robot Arm with A Double Actuator Joint, Proc. International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, 2004
49. Yusuke Ueda, Ikuo Yamano and Takashi Maeno, Development of A Grounded Haptic Deviced and A 5-Fingered Robot Hand for Dexterous Teleoperation, Proc. International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, 2004
48. Toshiyuki Hino and Takashi Maeno, Development of A Miniature Robot Finger with A Variable Stiffness Mechanism Using Shape Memory Alloy, Proc. International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, 2004
47. Isao Fujimoto, Yoji Yamada, Takashi Maeno, Tetsuya Morizono and Yoji Umetani, Study on A “Tactile Mirror” for Displaying Static Friction Sensation with Tactile Perception Feedback, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004, pp. 1233-1238
46. Takashi Maeno, Ichiro Okumura, Takayuki Tsukimoto and Takao Mori, How to Make High-Efficiency Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. Intl. Conf. Acoustics, 2004, pp. I409-I412
45. Kayo Otokawa, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Development of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor using Single Mode Vibrations, Proc. Intl. Conf. Acoustics, 2004, pp. IV3231-IV3234
44. Takashi Maeno, Biomimetic Design of Actuators, Sensors and Robopts, 1st international Workshop on ‘Robotics -Paradigm shift from intelligence to life’ sponsered by the 21st century center of Excellence for ‘System Design: Paradigm Shift from Intelligence to Life’, 2003, pp. 41-46
43. Ken Endo, Takashi Maeno and Hiroaki Kitano, Co-evolution of Morphology and Walking Pattern of Biped Humanoid Robot using Evolutionary Computation -Evolutionary Designing Method and its Evaluation-, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003, pp. 340-345
42. Tatsuya Koyama, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Devolopment of an Ultrasonic Clutch for Multi-Fingered Exoskeleton Haptic Device using Passive Force Feedback for Dexterous Teleoperation, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003, pp. 2229-2234
41. Ikuo Yamano, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Development of a Robot finger For Five-fingered Hand using Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003, pp. 2648-2653
40. Youichi Ogahara, Yousuke Kawato, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, A Wire-Driven Miniature five Fingered Robot Hand using Elastic Elements as Joints, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003, pp. 2672-2677
39. Masayuki Mori, Takashi Maeno and Yoji Yamada, Method for Displaying Partial Slip used for Virtual Grasp, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003, pp. 3100-3105
38. Kazuto Imazeki and Takashi Maeno, Hierarchical Control Method for Manipulating/Grasping Tasks using Multi-fingered Robot Hand, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003, pp. 3686-3691
37. Ken Endo, Takashi Maeno and Hiroaki Kitano, Co-evolution of Morphology and Walking Pattern of Biped Humanoid Robot using Evolutionary Computation -Designing the Real Robot-, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003, pp. 1362-1367
36. Takashi Maeno and Tomoyuki Kawamura, Geometry Design of an Elastic Finger-Shaped Sensor for Estimating Friction Coefficient by Pressing an Object, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003, pp. 1533-1538
35. Yosuke Nakagawa, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, The Frictional Characteristics of Single-Phase-Drive Type Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2003 , PP. 1762-1765
34. Tatsuya Koyama, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Development of an Ultrasonic Clutch, Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2003, PP. 1141-1144
33. Isao Fujimoto, Yoji Yamada, Takashi Maeno, Tetsuya Morizono and Yoji Umetani, Development of Artificial Finger skin to Detect Incipient Slip for Realization of Static Friction Sensation, Proc. IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 2003, pp.15-21
32. Shinsuk Park, Kenjiro Takemura, and Takashi Maeno, Development of Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Actuators for Surgical Tools, Proc. Internoise 2003 -the 32nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2003, pp. 3039-3046
31. Kenjiro Takemura, Yuji Ohno and Takashi Maeno, Design of a Plate Type Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor and its Driving Characteristics, Proc. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2003, pp. 1309-1314
30. K. Endo, F. Yamasaki, T. Maeno and H. Kitano, Co-evolution of morphology and controller for biped humanoid robot, Robocup 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup VI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2003, pp. 327-341
29. Naoe Tatara, Masayuki Mori and Takashi Maeno, Method for Eliciting Tactile Sensation using Vibrating Stimuli in Tangential Direction: Effect of Frequency, Amplitude and Wavelength of Vibrating Stimuli on Roughness Perception, Proc. 33rd International Symposium on Robotics, 2002, 055_p70
28. Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Control of Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor using Neural Network based Inverse Model, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 2187-2192
27. Ken Endo, Takashi Maeno and Hiroaki Kitano, Co-evolution of Morphology and Walking Pattern of Biped Humanoid Robot using Evolutionary Computation -Consideration of characteristic of the servomotors-, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 2678-2683
26. Tatsuya Koyama, Ikuo Yamano, Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Multi-Fingered Exoskeleton Haptic Device using Passive Force Feedback for Dexterous Teleoperation, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 2905-2910
25. Yoji Yamada, Takashi Maeno, Isao Fujimoto, Tetsuya Morizono and Yoji Umetani, Identification of Insipient Slip Phenomena Based on the Circuit Output Signals of PVDF Film Strips Embedded in Artificial Finger Ridges, Proc. SICE Annual Conference 2002, 2002, pp. 3272-3277
24. Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Numerical Analysis on Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor – Development of Analysis Method and Results, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2002, pp. 2387-2392
23. Ikuo Yamano, Kenjiro Takemura, Ken Endo and Takashi Maeno, Method for Controlling Master-Slave Robots using Switching and Elastic Elements, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2002, pp. 1717-1722
22. Ken Endo, Fuminori Yamasaki, Takashi Maeno and Hiroaki Kitano, A Method for Co-Evolving Morphology and Walking pattern of Biped Humanoid Robot, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2002, pp. 2775-2780
21. Ken Endo and Takashi Maeno, Simultaneous Design of Morphology of Body, Neural Systems and Adaptability to Environment of Multi-Link-Type Locomotive Robots using Genetic Programming, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2001, pp. 2282-2287
20. Kenjiro Takemura, Dai Harada and Takashi Maeno, A Master-Slave System using a Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor and its Controller Designed considering Measured and Simulated Driving Characteristics, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2001, pp. 1977-1982
19. Daisuke Yamada, Takashi Maeno and Yoji Yamada, Artificial Finger Skin having Ridges and Distributed Tactile Sensors used for Grasp Force Control, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2001, pp. 686-691
18. Haruyuki Dei, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka and Takashi Maeno, Relationship between Beauty and Shape/Force Factors in Japanese Art, Bonsai, Bulletin of the 5th Asian Design Conference, 2001, JP-022
17. Y. Yamada, I. Fujimoto, T. Morizono, Y. Umetani, T. Maeno and D. Yamada, Development of Artificial Skin Surface Ridges with Vibrotactile Sensing Elements for Incipient Slip DItection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 2001, pp. 251-257
16. Ken Endo and Takashi Maeno, Simultaneous Generation of Morphology of Body and Neural System of Multi-Linked Locomotive Robot using Evolutionary Computation, Proc. 32nd International Symposium on Robotics, 2001, pp. 499-504
15. Kenjiro Takemura, Dai Harada and Takashi Maeno, Development of a Master-Slave System for Active Endoscope Using a Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor, Proc. 32nd International Symposium on Robotics, 2001, pp. 254-259
14. Daisuke Yamada, Yoji Yamada and Takashi Maeno, Design of an Artificial Finger Skin Having Ridges and Distributed Tactile Sensors, Proc. 32nd International Symposium on Robotics, 2001, pp. 1243-1248
13. Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Method for Controlling a Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor Using a Sigmoid Function, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, 2000, pp. 427-432
12. Masao Hashimoto and Takashi Maeno, Design of a High-Performance Vibrator for Linear Ultrasonic Motor Using a Genetic Algorithm and a Finite Element Analysis, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, 2000, pp. 553-558
11. Kenjiro Takemura and Takashi Maeno, Characteristics of an Ultrasonic Motor Capable of Generating a Multi-Degrees of Freedom Motion, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2000, pp. 3660-3665
10. Takashi Maeno, Shinichi Hiromitsu and Takashi Kawai, Control of Grasping Force by Detecting Stick/Slip Distribution at the Curved Surface of Elastic Finger, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2000, pp. 3896-3901
9. Takashi Maeno and Kazumi Kobayashi, FE Analysis of the Dynamic Characteristics of the Human Finger Pad in Contact with Objects with/without Surface Roughness, Proc. 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, DSC-Vol. 64, 1998, pp. 279-286
8. Takashi Maeno, Takashi Kawai and Kazumi Kobayashi, Analysis and Design of a Tactile Sensor Detecting Strain Distribution inside an Elastic Finger, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems ’98, 1998, pp. 1658-1663
7. Kenjiro Takemura, Nobuyuki Kojima and Takashi Maeno, Development of a Bar-Shaped Ultrasonic Motor with Three Degrees of Freedom, Proc. Fourth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 195-200
6. T. Maeno, K. Kobayashi and N. Yamazaki, Sensing Mechanisms of the Partial Incipient Slip at the Surface of Cylindrical Fingers During the Precision Grip, Proc. 1997 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 1997, pp. 117-118
5. T. Maeno, K. Kobayashi, N. Yamazaki, Effect of Geometry and Property of the Finger Tissue on Stress/Strain Distribution Near the Tactile Receptors, Proc. 10th Conf. of the European Society of Biomechanics, 1996, pp. 312
4. Takashi Maeno and David B. Bogy, Effect of the Hydrodynamic Bearing on Rotor/Stator Contact in a Ring-Type Ultrasonic Motor, Proc. IEEE 1991 Ultrasonics Symposium, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. 933-936
3. Takashi Maeno, Takayuki Tsukimoto, and Akira Miyake, The Contact Mechanism of an Ultrasonic Motor, Proc. IEEE 7th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, 1990, pp. 535-538
2. Takashi Maeno, Kazuma Shimizu and Osamu Morita, A New CAE/CAD System for VCR Tape Transport Systems, Proc. International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, 1989, pp. 291-295
1. Kyosuke Ono and Takashi Maeno, Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Characteristics of a 3.5 Inch Flexible Disk Due to a Point Contact Head, Proc. Tribology and Mechanics of Magnetic Storage Systems, Vol. 3, American Society of Lubrication Engineers, Special Publication, 1986, pp. 144-151